A great Orientation event held on December 1st thanks to Confindustria Ancona and dedicated to high schools and universities, the LabDaygave to the nearly 400 students the opportunity to engage withcompanies and participate in the many highly interactive and technological workshops on the topics of enhancing soft skills, metaverse applied to work, CV writing etc.
A project that obviously SIFA could not fail to support since, as a company, we always make ourselves available to provide our knowledge and support for the benefit of the training of young people.
In the case of Labday, we shared with the students the soft skills we look for in our collaborators, by giving practical suggestions to enhance them during interviews and beyond, such as how to present a company dossier, how to best present one’s own project in the company, how to speak in public, how to welcome clients, how to handle phone calls in a professional manner, how to answer business emails, how to open one’s own business etc. They suddenly gave theirself a challenge -well done, kids!- and so we also ascertained with great satisfaction the incredible interest in our company from the kids, who have always manned our booth eager to understand how does our business work and learn from us.
An interesting day, in which, as always, it was satisfying to work for the kids, simply for the pleasure of helping them in their growth path.
Thanks to Confindustria Ancona for also engaging in this type of initiative and thanks to the kids and university students who showed interest in our reality.