Proper and high-performance equipment is undoubtedly an incentive in the approach to study, especially when it comes to foreign languages, fields of study in which multimedia allows a greater development of both active and passive skills involved in the learning process.
And it is thanks to the purchase of 25 new PCs that SIFA Technology supported “MY NEW ENGLISH LAB”, a project of the Vito Volterra Scientific High School in Sassoferrato that provided for d the modernization of the English laboratory. The contribution to students’ education and training was not limited to the supply of computers; in fact, last April 18th, SIFA was warmly welcomed by teachers and students for a morning of training dedicated to all school classes.
Also the mayor of Sassoferrato, Eng. Maurizio Greci and the Director of the Volterra High School, Dr. Antonello Gaspari, attended the event, with whom the traditional ribbon-cutting ceremony took place at the entrance to the new laboratory, so as to make the donation official and seal the significance of the event.
The goals of the event were many: to let the students know about the type of commitment between companies and schools, trying to convey that the main component of this donation is the trust towards them and then to explain what, according to SIFA, corporate social responsibility really means and the role that companies have today in the territory in which they grow and develop.
Another important objective was to enhance the connection between the notions learned at school through the study of specific subjects and the in-depth analysis of the same in business activities starting from concrete examples regarding SIFA’s products, solution and management. Physics and chemistry have therefore taken practical and much more tangible value thanks to the contribution of SIFA’s collaborator and graduate in Engineering, currently interning at SIFA, Alessandro Sofo.
As always, the desire was also to raise awareness of the economic reality in which we operate by explaining how to start a business and how a company is structured in order to also give a real contribution to students’ orientation, discussing aptitudes, hard and soft skills and which ones can be developed in the various corporate departments. Here the contribution was offered by the HR Assistant Annalaura Perini and the Head of the Thermal Insulation Business Unit, Dr. Veronica Busso, who combined her expertise with the passion that drives her work, managing to convey contents and motivation.
“It’s not important if you haven’t identified your passion yet, the important thing is to work towards finding it”, following “only by fully living every experience and putting yourself out there can you build the foundations for a bright future, and without you realizing it – simply by “living” – you will have acquired soft skills that are as useful as they are required in the world of work” these are some of inspirational words that are certainly useful for young people.
We then talked about cultural and corporate social responsibility, in order to to help people reflect on the role of the company in the community in which it is embeddedand to understand, according to students’ point of view, what activities the companies should support in their territories. Among the results: events, training programs for students, environmentally friendly projects, contributions to social and public activities etc.
The morning, was organized as a sort of convention open to dialogue and interactive exchange with students, but was also a reason to engage them in a contest, which rewarded knowledge of scientific and economic topics and at the end of which winners and prize have been announced: a mini cycle of lessons with a native English teacher to be carried out at SIFA Technology in order to develop applied English language skills.
The event ended with sharing an inspirational TEDx Talk of Claudia Peverini, Professor of the University of Cambridge, as well as fellow citizen, in an “5 ways to change your learning mindset – and why it matters” relaunched by SIFA Technology. The cause for reflection is to embrace learning in its horizontal dimension, opposed to the vertical one that only points to the goal. A dimension that is often overlooked but is instead very important since it allows us to get to know new worlds, new people and of course ourselves.
Below is the link to the video from which the conclusion of the event was inspired.
Prof. Claudia Peverini, 5 ways to change your learning mindset – and why it matters | Claudia Peverini | TEDxAscoliPiceno